Deploy TravisCI builds via SSH
I could not find information about doing it in one place, so I decided to gather all info needed and make a post of it.
We will need to encrypt the private key and bind it to your repo in TravisCI and register the public key to your remote VPS. When it is saved there, the build bot can securely access it while it's needed.
Requirements (local machine)
- ruby-dev:
apt-get install ruby-dev
- travis:
gem install travis
Generating SSH key and pushing it to Travis CI
Go to the directory of your repository and
sudo travis login --com
if your repo is private and you are
, otherwise useorg
)When you have enabled 2FA on your GitHub account, you will need to generate token and provide it like this:
sudo travis login --com --github-token <YOUR TOKEN HERE>
Generate SSH key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C '' -f ./deploy_rsa
(create key without password) -
Encrypt private key and add it to travis:
sudo travis encrypt-file deploy_rsa -add
Copy public key to the destination server and add it to authorized keys:
ssh-copy-id -i username@hostip
from your repository! Everyone with this key can get access to your server without a password! -
Add the following lines to your
:before_deploy: - openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_?_key -iv $encrypted_?_iv -in deploy_rsa.enc -out /tmp/deploy_rsa -d - eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" - chmod 600 /tmp/deploy_rsa - ssh-add /tmp/deploy_rsa deploy: - provider: script skip_cleanup: true script: scp -r ./directory_to_copy username@hostip:/dest/dir addons: ssh_known_hosts: - hostip
Where ? in encrypted keys, look at Settings->Environment Variables of your repository in Travis
Now all succeeded builds will be deployed